Twice in my life when I’ve known a change was needed, spirit stepped in to pave the way. This doesn’t mean that I had an upper hand in foreknowledge of coming events. However, it does mean that I was aware change was necessary, but stubborn Lisa (who thinks she knows better), would decide to take control and do things her way. Wow, what boneheaded moves these were!
Many years ago, while working as a personal trainer, I began feeling burned out. Both physically and mentally exhausted, I began intuitively feeling that a change was impending. Relying on the income, I didn’t want to change my place of employment, and the thought of beginning a job search was overwhelming given all the other duties that were on my plate.
Keep in mind that I was a mother of two young children as well as working as a professional medium, I really didn’t know how to get myself out of the situation. This is where spirit steps in… [Read more…]
Theoretically, an empath and a clairsentient is the same thing. The term empath, or being empathic, seems to be the buzzword over the last 10 to 15 years. Whether this is due to the advanced population of crystal, rainbow, and indigo children, or simply a way for the spiritual community to recognize those that have exceptionally high resonance to people, places, and things.
Here’s a handy breakdown.
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In mediumship, there’s the possibility of a disconnect between the spirit and the reader. Not due to error, but the method spirit uses to convey what they want me to say such as the “red apple”.
For example, during a recent reading spirit was very accurate in describing the client’s home to me, to prove continuation in a loved one’s life. Details such as art, knick-knacks, and the layout of the home were extraordinarily accurate, but when I was told to tell the client about the red apple on the counter, the client couldn’t validate the information.
It wasn’t long before I connected the dots and realized her grandfather was describing something red and round, which the client then realized was a Tupperware lid.
We “see” with our eyes, ears, mouth, nose and sense of feeling when doing a mediumship reading. Spirit conveys an image or thought and often try to use what they know we’ll understand. So when the spirit told me “red apple” he knew I would associate it with red and round. In essence, he was correct, but inaccurate… or was that me? There’s always the possibility of a disconnect in mediumship. What someone in spirit conveys can always be misconstrued and when there’s this spiritual veil between the worlds, it takes quick thinking, and to be honest, skill and talent to be able to pick apart what spirit is actually saying. That being said, EVERY medium, even the best of the best, isn’t 100% accurate and I’m ok with that. It keeps us humble, and that humility reminds us what (and who) we do this work for.
© 2017 Lisa Bousson
It’s really easy to get caught up in the drama of our lives, but we have a choice. At one point or another, we all face adversity. We all face those times of trial and tragedy. Yet how do we get to the other side? How do we bounce back from the adversity that we face? Do we systematically figure out the logical way around the situation? Do we ask other people to solve our problems for us? Or, do we wait it out and hope for the best?
Some would say that Mercury retrograde has affected my life of late, and while I don’t know enough about astrology to make any informed statements or judgments, I do know that in all things around me, good or bad, I have a choice. I have a choice to listen to the universal cues and interpret them to the best of my ability. I have the choice to deem something positive or negative. I have the choice to be proactive or idle. And I have the choice to play the victim, martyr or heroine in my story.
You see, in the last three weeks I’ve fractured my tailbone, sat in the airport for 48 hours waiting for the weather to clear thus missing an important workshop, and suffered major plumbing problems in my home that are presently still under construction. In all this, I realize that my actions and reactions are up to me and my personal choice. I have the choice to freak out, sob, or in other words, have a complete meltdown. Contrarily, I also have the option to be pro-active, comforted in the knowledge that the Great Creator has all things in order, and I have the opportunity to envision my life altered for the better. I may not be able to see what’s taking shape or where the ultimate goal is, but I am free to choose. I choose to remain positive!
© 2017 Lisa Bousson