Studies show that meditation is associated with improvement in a variety of psychological and physical areas, including but not limited to…
- Anxiety
- Addiction
- Depression
- Cognitive function
- Creative thinking
- Our energy levels
- Stress levels
- Strengthens the immune system
- There’s also research to suggest that meditation can reduce blood pressure, pain response, stress hormone levels, and even cellular health.
But what does it actually do to the body?
Meditation changes the brain. The cells and neurons in the brain are continuously creating new connections and disrupting old ones based on response to stimuli, a quality that researchers call experience-based neuroplasticity. This affects the neural circuits of the brain, which in turn affects how we respond to situations. What I find interesting is that it also affects the actual structure of our brains — thickening some areas and making others less dense.
Linked to the stress hormones adrenalin and cortisol, stress raises the heart rate and blood pressure and also weakens immunity. Studies show that relaxation has virtually the opposite effect, lowering heart rate, boosting immunity and enabling the body to thrive while increasing the release of positive chemicals such as serotonin.
What I’m a proponent of is the state of deep relaxation where tension is released from the body on a physical, emotional and mental level, thus allowing your body to naturally turn to the relaxed state through self-hypnosis, guided imagery or meditation.
Many of the recordings below are intended for your personal spiritual growth. Everyone’s growth is unique and you should use your own intuition to determine where you should begin your spiritual journey. I suggest learning to ground yourself first so that you can train your body to fully relax, thus making your development a relaxing experience. You will find many of these meditations are perfect for stress relief and relaxation using the different methods of grounding.
Ocean Relaxation
Relax upon the turquoise ocean and sink your toes in the warm sand as your stress and trouble melt away. This guided meditation will gently lull you into a state of deep and blissful relaxation. The recording gently fades out at the end which means it’s also perfect to help you fall asleep.
Digital Download
Length: 14:17 minutes
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Expanding Your Aura
In this guided meditation, you will fully actualize and realize your divine self. You’ll see yourself as a limitless being, able to affect everything around you. You’ll experience the universe in a whole new way – one where you can see, feel, and understand the true nature of the world. Want to travel to faraway lands? The Expanding Your Aura guided meditation will help you to see that this is possible. Not only will you be able to expand your aura to the surrounding building or area, you can expand your aura great distances, allowing you to experience locations as if you are actually there. Much like remote viewing, you’ll see, hear and feel the world around you.
Digital Download
Length: 15:26 minutes
*An email containing a download link will automatically be sent to you. Download the meditation to your computer within 12 hours. After that time you will no longer be able to download.
Your Hugging Tree
Used for mental, emotional and physical stress, meditation has been medically proven to bring about a positive effect in one’s life.
Connecting with nature brings a peacefulness that cannot be duplicated by any other means. In Your Hugging Tree, you will feel the stately, majestic and peaceful energy of your own hugging tree that brings you back to a natural healing place. Allow your hugging tree to replenish your soul.
Digital Download
Length: 19:55 minutes
*An email containing a download link will automatically be sent to you. Download the meditation to your computer within 12 hours. After that time you will no longer be able to download.
Balancing & Cleansing Your Chakra System
For you to work to the best of your ability you need to ensure that your chakras are balanced and in healthy working order. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, this audio CD can help you feel better, work more productively, find mental focus, make clear conscious decisions and more.
Each of the questions above correlates to one of the seven main chakras of our body. Use the CD daily to relax and refresh while benefiting your physical, emotional and spiritual body.
Digital Download
Length: 16.59 minutes
*An email containing a download link will automatically be sent to you. Download the meditation to your computer within 12 hours. After that time you will no longer be able to download.
The Cleansing Shower
This guided meditation brings relief from stress in a short period of time. Used daily (or even more than once per day) you’ll feel a sense of calming unity while your stress and worry is washed away. Used for mental, emotional and physical stress, meditation has been medically proven to bring about a positive effect in one’s life.
Digital Download
Length: 13:30 minutes
*An email containing a download link will automatically be sent to you. Download the meditation to your computer within 12 hours. After that time you will no longer be able to download.
Meeting Your Spirit Guide
The purpose of this meditation is to get you comfortable with the realization that there are spirit people around you at all times. Spiritual Guides, once having lived in the physical body, have agreed to be of service to those here on earth. While alive, your spiritual guides had mastered an aspect of your life. This is why you have sought out and requested their service during this present lifetime.
Digital Download
Length: 15:30 minutes
*An email containing a download link will automatically be sent to you. Download the meditation to your computer within 12 hours. After that time you will no longer be able to download.
At One With
Used for mental, emotional and physical stress, meditation has been medically proven to bring about a positive effect in one’s life.
When you’re out of sorts and uneasy, but you’re uncertain what you’re feeling energetically, grounding and connecting can be of tremendous benefit. Connecting with Heaven and Earth is a powerful way to ground yourself, relieve stress, and bring yourself back to center so you can move forward calmly, more confidently and at peace with where you are.
Digital Download
Length: 15:30 minutes
*An email containing a download link will automatically be sent to you. Download the meditation to your computer within 12 hours. After that time you will no longer be able to download.
Your Divine Light
Knowing yourself as a divine being is one of the greatest gifts there is.
In this meditation you will learn to connect with earth and heaven, completely surrendering yourself to that of Mother Earth as well as the Great I AM.
Experience for yourself how being in complete oneness with the universe can bring about a profound effect upon your entire life. Peace and reverence pervade your being as you sit in awe and wonder knowing you’re exactly where you are meant to be.
Digital Download
Length: 22:00 minutes
*An email containing a download link will automatically be sent to you. Download the meditation to your computer within 12 hours. After that time you will no longer be able to download.
The information contained here should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and is subject to your own interpretation and judgment. The services provided by Lisa Bousson are not a substitute for professional services and it is advised that you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert. By purchasing one of the products above you acknowledge that the meditations contain therein do not constitute the substitution for qualified professional evaluation or advice.