Theres quite a bit of confusion when deciding what type of reader one needs. What would best serve your purposes? Heres a simple cheat sheet
A psychic is someone who through clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentience (clear seeing, clear hearing and clear feeling, respectively) is able to tune into the aura and physicality of the sitter. A psychic can often be seen using tools to aid in their perception, such as a pendulum, stones, tarot or oracle cards, they may need to touch you, etc. A psychic, however, does not have the ability to speak to those on the other side.
A medium is someone who also uses clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentience and possesses the able to pick up the subtle life force energy of those beyond the veil. Mediums work on different energetic levels; some have the ability to pick up higher energetic being such as angels and spiritual guides and others have the ability to pick up lower level spiritual beings such as loved ones and ancestors. Mediums also have the ability to do psychic work.
- A Physical Medium is one who has the ability to affect physical matter such as using billets, psychic drawing, physical transfiguration, channeling etc. A physical medium is also one who will take on the physical actions and mannerisms of the deceased. A physical medium can work mentally as a spirit medium.
- A Mental Medium is one who uses the mental faculties to communicate with those on the other side. A mental medium can work physical medium.
- An Evidential Spiritual Medium will connect you with your loved ones and ancestors in spirit, but will provide evidence of their continued interaction in your life. Along with the evidence, there can also be guidance, truth and love from your spirit people, reassuring us that they live on past physical death. An Evidential Spiritual Medium will work both as a physical and mental medium, often at the same time. This is what I do!
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