I never cease to be amazed by the clients who are led to me. Often having or experiencing something strikingly similar, I have found spirits hand in the joining of my clients and myself. Recently a client came to me and between us we estimated that spirit had been putting plans in motion for us to meet about a month prior to the actual phone call from the client. This confirms the theory that there is no accident in our meeting a particular person. We are constantly being directed by spirit, they help to lead us throughout our day and when you feel that particular need to do something, its more than likely at the urging of your Spiritual Guide or ancestor. Maybe the person you meet does something or knows someone who is exactly the right person for a task that has been troubling you of late. Or, maybe youve met someone who can give you advise youre seeking or a lead on a new job that youve been searching for. Think this in coincidence? I dont.
Blessings ~ Lisa