As I sit wondering what it is I should write about, I hear, “On this day in history”. So, I did a Google search for the exact phrase.Interestingly enough, or maybe not, the first item in the search was this…
“On this day in 1941, WNBT-TV, channel 4 in New York City, was granted the first construction permit to operate a commercial TV station in the United States.
Here’s where the phenomenon appears… Some of you may have heard me refer to the NBC peacock in the past while I do readings. As shown in the logo, there are six feathers with the peacock in the middle. While doing readings I see ancestors or deceased loved ones in certain feather locations surrounding the client. This is one of the ways I use to determine who has come through to connect with their loved one – my client.
The deceased loved ones, or friends of the client, who are in the same generation, fall to the left (yellow) and the right (green) feathers. In the left (orange) and right (blue) feathers, one row up on the peacock, I see the parents’ generation, such as the parents, step-parents, aunts, uncles and others. And one level further you find the left (red) and the right (purple) level, which is where I see the ancestors of your grandparents’ generation.
Blessings ~ Lisa