It’s often when we are faced with a challenging situation that we ask God, “Why?” Why did this happen? How could God have allowed this? Why me?
Why not you? God hasn’t put these situations or obstacles in your way to harm you – YOU DID. If you look at all the incidents in your life that have left an impact upon you as tools that shaped you into who you are today, you might be more accepting of the burdens you have faced or are now facing. You chose those incidents prior to birth, so that you could grow through the challenges.
Of course it’s always the troublesome issues that we complain about because they alter our lives as we know it. If it gets in our way, causes us to change, or delays our progress then we deem it unsatisfactory or bad. Think of the past issues you’ve had to deal with and/or overcome. Have you not been better for it? If nothing else, your mettle was tested and I’m sure that you passed. But, if you didn’t, you can be certain that a similar situation will present itself so you can try, try again.
Everything happens for a reason – there are no mistakes. You came here, to Earth, at this exact time, to grow spiritually. So, although you never relish the hard times, hopefully you’ll look at them as a time of learning. Get the job done right the first time – don’t avoid the situation. You don’t want to be faced with the same type of problem in the future.
Blessings ~ Lisa