I just finished watching The Ghost Whisperer. The show is about a young woman who can see, hear, and interact with spirits that have not yet crossed over into the light. Yes, you may find this eerie, hogwash, or even intriguing. Whatever your take on this, I can tell you that the show is pretty well written. The writers definitely have advisers who have done their homework, which is seen in the manner the lead character, played by Jennifer Love-Hewitt, interacts with the deceased.
Personally, I believe that communication with those on the other side is factual. Too many times undeniable proof has come through that a certain loved one is in attendance. Too many unknown facts are revealed, without prior knowledge. Where would this information come from if not from the deceased themselves?
I know this might sound far-fetched. I, myself, doubted at times – but never for long. I suppose that if you’re exposed to something long enough, and there are endless incidents of proof, you become a believer.
Back to the show… Apparently Melinda, Love-Hewitt’s character, can only communicate with spirit if they have not crossed over into the light. The spiritual beings she interacts with are Earth-bound, or stuck to the Earth for one reason or another. These beings are in turmoil, there’s no doubt about it. There are hundreds of reasons for a spirit to remain Earth-bound, but the main reasons, which I’ve encountered, are a constant need for an addictive substance, severe emotional trouble, extreme (obsessive) concern for a loved one, or they may not realize that their physical bodies have died.
From experience, I know that most newly deceased remain close to the Earth until their physical bodies have been laid to rest. This does not mean that they are Earth-bound though. Becoming more etheric daily, they cross over into the light of their own accord, glad to return to their home, eager to experience the next leg of their journey. After crossing over, these spiritual beings can also communicate, of course, and often do return to visit or relay messages.
I have experienced enough of this phenomenon, both pre and post crossing over, to know that communication with spirit can be proven. Come visit – experience for yourself.
Blessings ~ Lisa