“In my own little corner, in my own little chair, I can be whatever I want to be!” This is a part of the lyrics in the movie musical Cinderella starring Leslie Ann Warren. I remember loving this movie as a child and even back then the lyrics of this song touched my heart.
The song talks about responsibilities that are placed upon us vs what and who we believe we can be and achieve. Oh, how I wanted to
have a grand life, a life of peace, someone who was my soulmate, a life where people loved me for who I am and not what they wanted me to be.
Late spring through early fall I love starting the day in the enclosed porch I have on the back of my house, silently watching and listening to the world come alive for the day. Not only do I respond to emails, check my Facebook pages, and answer phone calls, I also have the luxury of sitting in my own “little corner” where I run my world how I see fit.
As children, we’re under the ruling thumb of our parents, and of course, there are rules we must follow. That being said, what was your fantasy, what was your dream of becoming one day? Look at your life… have you achieved those goals? Likely, most of us have in some form or another – and yet those goals may have changed.
We have the ability to accept someone else’s edict or create our own. Free Will, my friends, which is what God has given us upon the creation of our soul. We have been given the power to create whatever we put our minds to. Small goals or goals that seem insurmountable, we can achieve them with perseverance.
I’m writing this because there are a lot of aspiring mediums (and people in general) who envy the life I live. NO, I’m not rich… far from it, but I have a grand life! I work each and every day to make certain that my life is peaceful – is it always possible – of course not, but I’ve learned how to minimize or abstain from focusing on it. I have a soulmate – a man I met when I was just 16 years of age through a set of odd circumstances, but I now know were divinely guided. Marriage requires mutual respect and work – I make no bones about it. I also am blessed with people who truly love me – even when I’m goofy, ridiculous, passionate, downright wrong, opinionated, and bossy. I love my tribe! I know I have a blessed life, I’ve created it to be so, and I am thankful.
As we prepare for Thanksgiving at the end of the month, please focus on all the blessings in your life, the situations, people, and circumstances that have created your life. YOU did that! You created it all. Be humble and ever-so-grateful.
Peace be with you… Peace BE you!