Imagine you couldn’t speak. How would you get your message across to others? How would you communicate that you want someone’s attention? You might wave your arms wildly hoping that someone would see the movement. You might tap someone on the shoulder.
Small children who are yet unable to form words do exactly this. With a very young grandson in our lives I have come to realize the similarities between how non-verbal children and spirit receive attention from us. If I’m not paying attention to him, or if he’s not getting his message across, my grandson gets louder and louder. Banging his hands on something to bring home the point is a big communication opener at the moment. Often children (and adults) get louder if someone isn’t paying attention or if they’re not being understood.
Spirit act in these same manner. Using clairaudience (psychic hearing) I often hear spirit around me. I may hear a far off conversation or hear the sound of something falling. Just recently, while standing in my living room, I heard a man’s distinct laugh coming from my family room. Unfortunately I didn’t recognize the voice so that I could identify the spirit, and was busy doing something so didn’t investigate further.
Hearing something in the home, as if someone has dropped something or if something is moved, are signs from spirit. Your surroundings are being manipulated in an attempt at communication. Sounds, although they are not tangible, are energy emitted by the spiritual being. They are just as real as something physical.
I’m sure that you have experienced what you’ve come to believe was a sign from a deceased loved one. And, I’m sure you’re correct. The problem is that you doubt. A fair amount of skepticism is healthy, but when you repeatedly are faced with the same, or very similar, signs, it’s time to acknowledge that you’re in contact with those on the other side of the veil.
Each spirit will have their own sign. For instance, each spiritual guide and some deceased loved ones make their presence known by where I feel their touch upon my body. For instance, my Master Guide touches my right shoulder, my mother touches my right shoulder blade, with my niece I feel pressure down my entire left side, and Jesus stands on my left – behind me and places His hand upon my shoulder. My paternal grandfather makes his presence known by appearing when I do readings for others. I know my maternal grandfather is present when I smell the cherry pipe tobacco that he loved. I have come to know, from experience, the spiritual symbolism used by the spirit surrounding me.
Spirit love to get our attention. It’s up to us, even when we don’t know who it is, to acknowledge their presence. Acknowledgement brings further work on the spirit’s part to open the lines of communication. Just as we want to communicate with them, they too want to stay in contact with us. Their message? “I’m still here – just in a different form.”
Blessings ~ Lisa