All too often I have clients that come to me asking one question… “What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” It may come as a surprise to you, but there’s no pat answer. And while I truly believe that this is why many are stuck in the rut of their lives, they stay grounded to the trap that they led themselves into.
Invariably, spirit leads them to their ultimate desire. This is something that they are passionate about, absolutely love, and seems like a dream job. However, very often people feel that they need to completely stop the present job or what they’re doing currently to begin the new leg of their journey. I don’t believe that this is so. I fully believe that they can work, pay their bills, and be financially comfortable while moving into their life’s passion.
When people ask me where they should be living, what their profession should be, and ask for a timeline, I give them [Read more…]