After formulating my grocery strategy for the week, I notice something has gone haywire!
Recently I attended a Couponing class – you know, the ones where they teach you the hoarding methods? 🙂 My original goal in taking the class is to save more than I had been, which was no more than $4.oo on average each week. Using the skills taught in class, I’ve saved from $4 to $104 – no kidding!
Today when I get to the store – purse check, coupon box check. I look through my list, but when I looked for the coupons that I organized for the store I realized I must have left the envelope on the kitchen table. You guessed it, I turned around and went back home! About five months ago I would have just bit the bullet and did my shopping anyway. Of course I probably would have only had a few bucks in coupon savings. I did return to the store with my coupons in tow, and saved a whopping $40, all on items we will use withing the next few months.
So, the actual reason for writing this blurb is [Read more…]