The Universe talks in many ways; it’s in our best interest to listen.
Most people are surprised to discover that Universal Presence is a constant in their lives. In every moment we can tune into the guidance, wisdom, and love of the Divine. The problem arises when we don’t comprehend the language.
Universal signs are all around us so it’s in our best interest to pay attention – especially when we least expect them. For instance,
I have received messages from the Divine in the shower, while doing the dishes, cleaning, grocery shopping, driving, and many other common situations. Quite often the Universe will communicate through dreams, strange “coincidences,” repetitive numbers and words, songs, animals, meditation, other people, random objects, cledons, etc. The possibilities are endless.
Remember, signs from the Universe prove you’re connected to the All That Is. The signs are there as guideposts, arrows pointing you in the direction that’s in your best interest and for your highest good.
Often, we’ll have a gut instinct that change is forthcoming, that we’re aware we need to course-correct. Despite this, we remain on the same pathway uncertain where our next move is. When we refuse to acknowledge the “voice” from the Universe, intentionally remaining stagnant, we run into the possibility of “roadblocks” being put in our way. Please understand that this isn’t a Universal punishment, but a way for the Universe to get you back in alignment with your soul.
What we might encounter when we’re off track are:
- Delays
- Uneasy gut instincts
- Lack of sleep or exhaustion
- Illness
- Clumsiness
- Uncanny or synchronistic brick walls
Keep in mind that it is common to experience things such as losing sleep or getting stuck in traffic. Similarly, just because you stubbed your toe doesn’t necessarily mean that you are on the wrong path. However, when you are experiencing many of these signs from the Universe all at once or consecutively, It’s a wake-up call.
Ask yourself, “What am I doing, thinking, or planning right now which might be opposing my highest good?”
More than likely, you’ll know what’s causing resistance right away. Your goal, then, is to take measures to change what is causing you difficulty. For instance, you may think you’re stuck in a dead-end job, your relationship is caustic, you’re under too much pressure, for example. The Universe then sends you confirmation that you’re absolutely correct – you’re in a situation that isn’t in your highest good. lf corrective action isn’t taken you’ll see additional signs from the Universe, which take you out of the situation.
Using an example of what happened to me personally, you may get ill so you cannot work temporarily. You go back to work only to then fracture your leg so badly you can never again stand long enough to do your job. During your forced time of rest, you lament over your bad luck, but also wonder about the unsettling gut instincts over the past months. You’re forced to find a different career, realizing that the past “misfortune” has provided you the opportunity to move into a more beneficial, fulfilling, workplace. Ultimately, you realize the instinctual messages were the Universe’s way of telling you of the ABSOLUTE NECESSITY to course correct. This type of situation has happened a few times in my life. Thankfully, after this first incident, I caught on to the signs of the Universe and took action, thus avoiding negative occurrences.
Ultimately, remember that you and the Universe are not separate.
In reality, you are the Universe, so whatever signs that you’re perceiving are coming from your soul. While it can feel like something “out there” is guiding you, actually, your very Soul is the one guiding you, assisting you in arriving at a place where your soul can sing, feel at peace, and know its own divinity.
Blessings ~ Lisa