Once in a while we see or read something that seemingly has no bearing upon us or our lives, so we pass it by, not paying attention. However, in the recesses of our mind we can recall that incident as clearly as if it had just happened to us. What’s happening here?
We are all affected by everything around us. It’s called an imprint in time. When we stop to consider that everything is made of an energy we can understand the fact that one piece of energy can affect another piece of energy. Think of it as an innumerable amount of atoms all freely flowing every which way. Obviously, it stands to reason that atoms will bump into each other along their uncharted course thus changing the dynamic of not only them but others around them. It’s sort of like a cosmic traffic jam. Two atoms bump into each other and others around it get stuck in the melee. That atomic traffic jam is affecting every atom around it. The same goes for us. The same would hold true when two atoms flowing in opposite direction collided head-on. They then bounce off of each other and shift course, moving in the opposite direction from which they came. Other atoms around them notice the about-face and begin following in kind. This sounds very similar to what happens in our society. We move about in a “normal” fashion, but then we see someone moving against the flow and we begin to wonder if we have been moving in the correct pathway all along. We then try the new course of action and from there we have a comparison. We can now make a decision as to where we need to flow.
We are no different than those atoms. Seemingly we flow along, doing our own thing, waiting and growing in our own environment. We are in an inter-atomic-molecular world where one action and reaction affects each and every one of us. Oneness is in every place and in every moment
Consider this information and realize that when one says “We are all one,” they are absolutely correct. When something affects one of us, it affects us all. It is simply impossible to not get involved because whether directly or indirectly the actions and words of another will always affect you. Your actions and reactions will affect everyone else, and everything else. That reaction that you’ve created then becomes a universal force, ultimately shifting the reality of the universe.
© 2016 Lisa Bousson