In a recent conversation with a friend we began talking about the existence of the soul and its many facets. I explained that what I believe is that we don’t incarnate with the soul’s entirety. The justification for this is as a spiritual being we must always remain a part of the whole, therefore, there must be a portion of our soul that we do not incarnate with, which remains on the spiritual planes.
The conversation then turned to the soles duality or multiplicity. If we only take a small portion of our soul with us in a particular incarnation who is to say that another portion of our soul hasn’t moved on to incarnate in another life or lives? As the primary reason for incarnation in the first place is to experience life to the fullest, and through those lessons gaining spiritual knowledge, living multiple lives at the same time would seem to be the quickest means of gathering spiritual awareness. Physical science is also beginning to accept the possibility of multi-physical universes. Physicists and scientists theorize that parallel lives are not only a possibility but a probability given the scientific evidence pertaining to relativity.
So, as we travel our pathway on this earth, hopefully there remains an awareness that there is more to this physical life than we can perceive. Let’s set our ego’s limited awareness aside and open our minds and our consciousness to the fact that there are many possibilities in the universe. We are limitless.