Even well into our lives many people ask, “What am I here for? What is the purpose of my life?” The following paragraphs were channeled long ago and are part of my upcoming book The Lessons of Jesus Christ.
“As you continue on in years you arrive at a place where you return back to your youth. You are, again, open to the world’s possibilities, unfettered by the restrictions of the community and yourself. You have lived the life that you felt was the correct one. You trust, now, that you have experienced what you needed to in order to make your life successful. It is now time to take a second look at who you truly are, what you have achieved in your past, and what you want to complete in the future. Putting aside all thoughts of monetary gain, look into your future. If there were no encumbrances, what would you do to feel fulfilled? What would make your heart sing? THIS is why you are here, on earth, at this exact time.
Blessings ~ Lisa