They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, and I believe this to be true. Don’t we all look at someone’s eyes to gauge whether they’re happy, sad, confused, fearful or surprised, etc? Of course, we do, and not one of us is immune to each one of these emotions at certain times in our lives.
It’s no surprise I see many different people in my work and each person comes with the expression of sadness in their eyes. Their demeanor and outward appearance may seem fine to someone who only sees the surface, but I want them to know that I see them… really see them.
I see pain, confusion, and sadness as people walk in the door seeking [Read more…]
When I was young, probably five years old or so, I was given a chocolate brown dress. You might wonder the significance of this brown dress because what little girl wears brown? What a boring color for a little girl! Well, the adornment on the dress was stripes of aqua colored piping which ran across the bodice. In my little mind, I thought that the aqua piping was the most beautiful color I had ever seen. To this day (over 50 years later) I still think back fondly about that dress and realized it was the beginning of an understanding how color can affect our lives, and how we can instinctively resonate with the colors around us.
Before I became known as the “aqua lady”, I wallpapered one of the master bedroom walls in my home with stripes of light brown, Aqua and white. The color combination has always reminded me of the ocean, which brings me peace. The adjoining bathroom is also brown, aqua and white. The main bathroom in the home is a brown, aqua and white beach combination with shells and a beach scene. On the shelf in that bathroom are chocolate brown and aqua towels, the exact colors of the dress I wore many years before. Yes, I’m obsessive! Lol
When I first began doing readings professionally in my home I painted lavender roses as a border at the top of the walls in my reading room. Then, about four years ago, I was in the Tampa area and visited a metaphysical store. On one of their walls was a peacock tree. A tree was painted, but the leaves were made out of peacock feathers. Having had professional experience as a decorative artist, I came home and immediately changed the decor of my reading room. Because of my aqua obsession and my love of peacocks (because of the aqua/teal) I had a new design for my reading room. I duplicated the peacock tree that I saw in Tampa but embellished it with more feathers. Since then, clients, students, and family have lovingly gifted me peacock and aqua decorations for the room. I have to say, that the aqua is now spilling out into other areas of my home, which is fine with me. I don’t know how my husband thinks about it, but I’m in my happy place.
I’m happy to be the “Aqua lady”. People may not recognize my face when I’m out in public, but they have approached me inquiring if I’m the psychic medium they see online, because I’m often wearing Aqua. Who knew that 50+ years ago I would be recognized because of my Aqua obsession? I’m good with that.
© 2017 Lisa Bousson
Twice in my life when I’ve known a change was needed, spirit stepped in to pave the way. This doesn’t mean that I had an upper hand in foreknowledge of coming events. However, it does mean that I was aware change was necessary, but stubborn Lisa (who thinks she knows better), would decide to take control and do things her way. Wow, what boneheaded moves these were!
Many years ago, while working as a personal trainer, I began feeling burned out. Both physically and mentally exhausted, I began intuitively feeling that a change was impending. Relying on the income, I didn’t want to change my place of employment, and the thought of beginning a job search was overwhelming given all the other duties that were on my plate.
Keep in mind that I was a mother of two young children as well as working as a professional medium, I really didn’t know how to get myself out of the situation. This is where spirit steps in… [Read more…]
Theoretically, an empath and a clairsentient is the same thing. The term empath, or being empathic, seems to be the buzzword over the last 10 to 15 years. Whether this is due to the advanced population of crystal, rainbow, and indigo children, or simply a way for the spiritual community to recognize those that have exceptionally high resonance to people, places, and things.
Here’s a handy breakdown.
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