These people are extremely visual and artistic; they are sensual by nature. They want to see all the beauty in life, and they see life as something to be enjoyed.
These people get things done. They [Read more…]
By Lisa Bousson
These people are extremely visual and artistic; they are sensual by nature. They want to see all the beauty in life, and they see life as something to be enjoyed.
These people get things done. They [Read more…]
By Lisa Bousson
As I’m driving down the highway I always seem to go into these deeply philosophical thoughts. They go something like this…
I was wondering why a bug always seems to splatter on your windshield right in the point of vision. I know, my mind works in very profound ways. I know that it’s not that the bug intentionally does this, but it’s the bugs that are in your obvious line of sight that get your attention.
Spirit works the same way! [Read more…]
By Lisa Bousson
I’ll soon be taking another week-long advanced class in Mediumship at Lily Dale Assembly in NY. When I look back at all the classes and workshops I’ve attended I’m sure that I would have accumulated at least a Doctorate by now had I attended a traditional university as long. So when do I get to the point where I think I’ve learned enough and have mastered by craft?
When do you stop learning? Do you ever stop learning? It seems that I am perpetually on a quest to learn more about my craft as a Spiritual Medium and Psychic. There are always new techniques to practice in an effort to gain a stronger and clearer connection to those on the other side of the veil.
Spiritual growth is one aspect that many never consider needs honing. Some don’t even think about it being 1/4 of our very being. We work on the obvious – the mental, physical and emotional, but neglect the [Read more…]
By Lisa Bousson
I’m sure that, like me, you have experienced times when you have felt that something was out of sorts, yet you couldn’t put your finger on what it was that made you feel ill at ease. Many times we chalk it off as our imagination because we can’t see anything forthcoming, nor can we pinpoint its origin.
As mammals we come with those senses, which all animals possess. It has long been proven that animals have some sort of foreknowledge of upcoming events such as tsunamis, earthquakes and even human death. As mammals, we really are no different. We, too, have this foreknowledge, but how many of us are in-tune enough to realize the signs and symbols we’re receiving to know there’s something coming – especially if you rely upon your sight for confirmation? This is when the body as a complete unit should be utilized.
We all have six senses; hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting, smelling and knowing. However, most of us are stronger in one or two of these. For instance, maybe you’re a visual learner, or maybe you’re more kinesthetic, a hands-on type of person. So what happens to those senses that are not being used as often? Let’s say you’re hearing or sight impaired. It’s known that the remaining senses become stronger. The same principle holds true if you simply close your eyes or block your ears. Your remaining senses sharpen and help you to focus on the little nuances that you may have overlooked in the past.
Blessings ~ Lisa
By Lisa Bousson
Listen to my interview on Intuitive Mind by clicking the link.
Spiritual Counselor’s Intuition 10/22 by Intuitive Mind FB | Blog Talk Radio