It’s quite often that I have clients who are on the verge of major life changes. Maybe they’re looking for a new job, changing their marital status or just bored with life. What they all have in common is that very few of them see the alternatives open before them. Whether this is a personal belief or if this was implanted by someone else around them, they seem to have tunnel vision, believing that there’s no other alternative to their predicament. They are seeking the pearls inside the oyster shell, but are looking on dry land.
There’s the old adage that says… “If you do what you’ve always done, you will receive what you’ve always gotten.” And this couldn’t be more true than in any of these situations. Yes, change is very difficult at times, however, when were going through a trial it can be quite difficult to see the benefit of altering our actions. Here are a few ideas that spirit often give me to help open your eyes…
- Ask yourself, what is the polar opposite of what you’re trying to attract? Realize there are no other options than to push forward. Forward motion begets forward motion.
- Go back to school. This doesn’t have to mean that literally, you may simply need to begin exploring ways you can change up how you presently operate.
- Even if you believe there is no recourse and you have no means to support what you’re facing, your luck hasn’t run out! Spirit often speak to us in steps. Meaning that you may not see your endpoint due to all the steps in the middle that get you there. You know, “You can’t see the forest for the trees!” At this point you need to trust, have faith that you will be shown, one step at a time, the pathway which you are to travel.
So how are you going to move forward in your life? Sometimes we kick and scream, and other times we forge ahead with courage. Your attitude is the deciding factor of whether the change in your life will beat you or you will beat it. With determination and fortitude you will find your pearls… One step at a time.
© Lisa Bousson 2014